Family Fellowship exists to connect people to god, to one another, to a place of Serving, and the world.
Connect to God
Connecting to God through passionate worship and the teaching of God's Word.
Corporate worship with your church family is so vital to your intimate love relationship with Jesus Christ.
Discovering Baptism and Discovering Membership classes are offered here on campus every month. If you would like to get connected, please contact Robert Schmoele.
Connect to one another
"Fellowship", is about building relationships with people within your faith community based on common spiritual goals.
To connect with our "Connection Groups",
please reach out to Jared Vernoy.
Connect to serving
There are well over 400 volunteers every week at Family Fellowship who use their God given gifts and abilities to serve others!
Our desire is that every volunteer loves what they do which in turn allows them to better use their gifts, passions or abilities!
If you're interested in being a part of this game changing group of people, contact Jared Vernoy to start the process!
Or click here to fill out the Test Drive Application Form online!
Connect to the world
Be the hands, feet, and voice of Jesus to a world that needs to hear about Him.
If you are interested in knowing more about what it means to "go on Mission with Jesus" through Family Fellowship, please contact:
Jared Vernoy - Missions Pastor